Car Accident Deaths Caused By Distracted Driving Down in 2009


The number of people killed in car accidents and car crashes connected to driver distraction declined last year but the government said the problem remains an epidemic for motorists in the U.S. The Transportation Department said that 5,474 people were killed in 2009 in crashes reported to have involved distracted driving, a 6 percent decline from the 5,838 people killed in 2008.

Distraction-related deaths accounted for 16 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2009, the same percentage as in 2008. The latest data came as the overall number of highway deaths dropped last year to its lowest level since 1950. The recent Transportation Department report said 448,000 people were injured in crashes reported to have involved driver distractions in 2009. An estimated 466,000 people were injured under those circumstances in 2008. Sixteen percent of all drivers under age 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported to have been distracted while driving. Drivers in that age group were the highest proportion of distracted drivers involved in fatal car crashes compared to people of other ages.

The Obama administration has prohibited federal employees from texting while driving on government business and banned commercial truck and bus drivers from texting behind the wheel. Thirty states and the District of Columbia prohibit drivers from texting behind the wheel; at least eight states have passed laws barring drivers from using hand-held cell phones. Legislation is currently pending in Congress to push all states to ban texting by drivers.

The Citron Law Firm specializes in car accident cases and motor vehicle accident cases in Florida. For a no-cost consultation, call our Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers and Weston car accident lawyers today. We will assist you in maximizing your claim for damages and preserving your rights.


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